PhD Candidate

University of Hohenheim

Otto-Sander-Str. 5

70599 Stuttgart

 +49 (0)711 459 22468




Research Interests

In order to face climate change, it is particularly important to identify crop cultivars that are adapted to certain extreme environments. Therefore, the phenotypical behaviour of crops can be monitored to find resistant or tolerant accessions. Hence, measuring methods are used which can be time-consuming, especially when high accuracy is required. During my PhD thesis I am investigating a weight-based system that automatizes transpiration measurements of different quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) accessions. Finally, this system will be used to identify genotypes, tolerant (or resistant) towards salinity or drought, and their underlying mechanisms.

Education Profile

March 2023 -Today:PhD in Agricultural Science
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Oct. 2020 - March 2023:
Master of Crop Science
University of Hohenheim, Germany
Oct. 2017 - Sept. 2020:
Bachelor of Environmental Management

Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany