Online and in attendance: "Evolutionary blocks to anthocyanin accumulation in betalain-pigmented Caryophyllales"  [30.11.22]

You are cordially invited to an exciting talk on December 7th, 4pm, by Prof. Dr. Boas Pucker, Institute Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, University of Braunschweig, with subsequent discussion and socializing.

Jun. Prof. Dr. Sandra Schmöckel,
Department Physiology of Yield Stability (340k),
Institute of Crop Science

Zoom in:

Or come by:
University of Hohenheim,
Otto-Sander-Str. 5,
Institute of Phytomedicine,
Sensorik room

About the speaker: Boas Pucker

Boas studied Biochemistry at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and Biology at Bielefeld University. His bachelor thesis is about the flavonoid biosynthesis in sugar beet. While completing the Master of Science program 'Genome-based Systems Biology', he shifted from molecular biology to bioinformatics and genomics. His doctoral thesis is about comparative analysis of different Arabidopsis thaliana genomes and also investigated non-canonical splice sites in the genome sequences of numerous plant species. Parts of this research were performed during a visit in the Brockington group (Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge). In 2019, Boas received his doctoral degree from the Faculty of Biology at Bielefeld University. He was a member of the Computational Methods for the Analysis of the Diversity and Dynamics of Genomes (DiDy) graduate school and completed PhD programs in Biology and Bioinformatics.
From 2020 to 2021, he was working as a postdoctoral fellow on the evolution of the betalain biosynthesis supported by a DFG research fellowship. Since October 2021, he is leading his own research group 'Plant Biotechnology and Bioinformatics' as a professor at TU Braunschweig.

Research Interests

Boas is interested in the evolution of specialized metabolism in plants with a particular focus on the betalain and flavonoid biosynthesis in Caryophyllales. I combine molecular biology and bioinformatics approaches including ONT long read sequencing, genome and transcriptome assembly, comparative genomics, gene expression analysis, and mapping-by-sequencing to address evolutionary questions. He is particularly interested how biosynthetic gene clusters are associated with the production of betalains.

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